SENG Partnership with Renzulli Learning
Renzulli Learning and Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) have teamed up to put their resources for social, emotional and academic support in homes and classrooms for the gifted, talented and twice-exceptional students across the nation. Renzulli Learning helps to increase a child’s engagement in learning by focusing on their strengths, empowering children as they direct their own learning, leading to increased self-efficacy and increased self-confidence. SENG focuses on the social and emotional support of gifted, talented and twice-exceptional persons of all ages and backgrounds. The link between positive academic outcomes for specialized populations, and social and emotional support is intrinsic, favoring the best quality of life and learning for kids.
SENG Benefits:
- Online support groups for gifted, talented and twice-exceptional individuals and their parents/guardians
- SENGinars with leading experts, in-person regional mini-conferences and an annual conference
- SENG Library that offers a library full of free articles and resourcesz
Learn More about SENG: http://sengifted.org/
SENG Library: http://www.sengifted.org/senglibrary
SENG Membership: http://www.sengifted.org/membership
Articles for Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted:
- De-Escalating: Helping Gifted Children Identify Their Emotions and Regain Control (Sarah Young)
- Helping Parents Help Children in Traumatic Times (Marianne Kuzujanakis)
- Strategies for Dealing with Over-Excitabilities (Regina Hellinger)
- The Moral Sensitivity of Gifted Children and the Evolution of Society (Linda K. Silverman)
- The Search for Shangri-La: Finding the Appropriate Educational Environment for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children, A Parents Guide (Michael Postma)
- 5 Tips for Helping Gifted Children Make Friends (Colleen Kessler)
- The Hardship of Being Gifted in Culturally Diverse Populations (Tiombe-Bisa Kedricks)
- SMPG: My Gifted Education (Carol Raymond)
- The Psychosocial Development of Gifted and Talented Children (Stephen Chou)
Many social and emotional challenges faced by gifted and talented students can be resolved with support, specific pedagogy, and knowledge and understanding of their special needs. We are delighted to announce the SENG partnership with Renzulli Learning and believe that the engagement and enrichment that is our educational focus can provide the kinds of challenge and engagement that these students need to develop their interests and gifts. We know that Renzulli Learning, used effectively, will help to prevent and reverse underachievement and enable students to thrive and achieve in school.